Freshly cooked dog food. Delivered.

Addressing Common Concerns About Fresh Dog Food

Addressing Common Concerns About Fresh Dog Food

The shift towards fresh, human-grade ingredients in pet food has been gaining momentum in recent years. As more pet owners become conscious of the nutritional needs of their furry companions, the market for fresh dog food has expanded significantly. However, despite its growing popularity, there are still lingering concerns and misconceptions surrounding commercially produced fresh dog food. In this blog post, we'll delve into some of the common concerns about fresh dog food and separate fact from fiction.

Healthy slow cooked homemade dog food French Bulldog looking at a bowl of dog food on kitchen counter. Focus on dog food. fresh cooked dog food stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Nutritional Adequacy

One of the primary concerns pet owners have regarding fresh dog food is whether it provides complete and balanced nutrition for their pets. Traditional dog food, whether dry or canned, often comes with assurances of meeting nutritional standards set by regulatory bodies. However, the perception of fresh dog food as lacking in essential nutrients persists.

Fact: Reputable manufacturers of fresh dog food, like Kabo, employ companion animal nutritionists to formulate recipes that meet the nutritional requirements set forth by organizations like the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO). These formulations are designed to provide dogs with all the essential nutrients they need to thrive. Additionally, fresh dog food often contains high-quality, whole-food ingredients that can offer superior nutrient bioavailability compared to heavily processed alternatives.

Flat lay of Kabo luscious lamb cooked dog food with fresh human grade ingredients displayed around

Food Safety

Another common concern among pet owners considering fresh dog food is the issue of food safety. Raw ingredients used in fresh dog food, such as meat and vegetables, may carry bacteria that can pose health risks to pets and their owners.

Fact: Reputable manufacturers of fresh dog food prioritize food safety through rigorous quality control measures. These measures often include sourcing ingredients from trusted suppliers, implementing strict sanitation protocols in manufacturing facilities, and employing methods such as high-pressure processing (HPP) to reduce the risk of harmful bacteria while preserving the nutritional integrity of the ingredients. Additionally, many fresh dog food companies conduct regular testing to ensure their products meet safety standards.

French Bulldog sitting next to homemade delicious dog food, waiting to eat Frenchie dog staring at her lamb meal on the table fresh cooked dog food stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images


Some pet owners are hesitant to switch to fresh dog food due to perceived higher costs compared to traditional commercial dog food options.

Fact: While fresh dog food may have a higher upfront cost than conventional options, it's essential to consider the long-term benefits. A diet rich in high-quality, fresh ingredients may contribute to better overall health and potentially reduce the likelihood of costly veterinary bills associated with diet-related health issues. Additionally, many fresh dog food companies offer subscription services and discounts for bulk purchases, helping to make the cost more manageable for pet owners.

Black and tan Dachshund eating Kabo’s tender chicken recipe out of a blue ceramic bowl

Transitioning and Palatability

Concerns about how easily dogs will transition to fresh dog food and whether they will find it palatable are also common among pet owners.

Fact: Transitioning to a new diet can be a gradual process, and some dogs may require time to adjust to fresh dog food. However, many pet owners report that their dogs not only adapt well to fresh food but also show increased enthusiasm at mealtime due to the superior taste and aroma of fresh ingredients. For dogs who are particularly finicky eaters, some fresh dog food companies offer a variety of recipes and flavors to cater to different preferences.

Black and tan Dachshund eating Kabo’s tender chicken recipe out of a blue ceramic bowl

Environmental Impact

As sustainability becomes an increasingly important consideration for consumers, some pet owners are concerned about the environmental impact of fresh dog food production, particularly in terms of resource consumption and waste generation.

Fact: While it's true that fresh dog food production may have some environmental footprint, there are initiatives in place to mitigate its impact. For example, some fresh dog food companies prioritize sourcing ingredients from sustainable and ethically managed farms and fisheries. Additionally, efforts to minimize packaging waste, such as using recyclable or compostable materials, can further reduce the environmental impact of fresh dog food.

Siberian Husky portrait dog with blue eyes Siberian Husky with blue eyes looking into Camera fresh cooked dog food stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Fresh dog food offers a compelling alternative to traditional commercial dog food, providing pet owners with the opportunity to nourish their furry companions with high-quality, whole-food ingredients. By addressing common concerns and misconceptions, pet owners can make informed decisions about whether fresh dog food is the right choice for their pets. With careful consideration of factors such as nutritional adequacy, food safety, cost, palatability, and environmental impact, pet owners can confidently choose fresh dog food as part of a balanced and nutritious diet for their beloved canine companions.

Pitbull mix being fed fresh cooked dog food
Pitbull mix being fed fresh cooked dog food

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