“Being green is more than just buying ‘eco’. It is an unshakable commitment to a sustainable lifestyle.” - Jennifer Nini, Editor in Chief of sustainability blog Eco Warrior Princess.
This is a quote that we feel not only applies to humans but our doggos as well. While maybe not as significant as humans, dogs also have an impact on the environment. This is largely due to what they eat. Feeding your dog in an eco-friendly way is not only good for the environment but also promotes the overall well-being of your pet. The pet food industry has a significant environmental impact, from the production and transportation of ingredients to packaging waste. Since it is humans who make the food and purchase it for the pups of the world, it is up to us as pet owners and manufacturers to help dogs reduce their environmental paw print!
Last year it was estimated that the retail sales of pet food in Canada was upwards of 1 billion dollars, with annual feed intake estimated at 211 kg per dog in the United States. With the high consumption of food by pets, there has been a significant environmental impact as a result. A 2017 survey of U.S. pet owners conducted by Packaged Facts showed only 2% of dog and cat owners selected sustainable/eco-friendly formulation as a product claim drawing them to purchase.
There are a number of ways in which pet food manufacturing impacts the environment. Below are the major issues related to sustainability in the pet food industry and what can be done to make pet food more eco friendly.
Similar to the production of human foods, pet food is a major contributor to the production of greenhouse gas emission. Dog food can contain animal protein between 18-50%. Livestock used to make this protein are one of the greatest emitters of greenhouse gases. The production of pet food is the source of approximately 25% of carbon emissions from animal agriculture, which is the equivalent of 64 million tons of carbon-dioxide. Dogs themselves produce much less gas emission than livestock, contributing annual CO₂ emissions of 840 kg.
Livestock also contribute to significant land usage and deforestation. 26% of terrestrial land on earth is used for animal agriculture. Meanwhile 80% of arable/pasture land is dedicated to crop feed for livestock. Arable land required for the production of feed for dogs varies between 10 and 20% of the land resources. Land allocation for agriculture is contributing to great losses in biodiversity of wildlife, as well as plant loss that would otherwise contribute to ecosystem health and removal of greenhouse gases. For example, 80% of deforestation in the Amazon is solely for livestock agriculture, with overall global forests shrinking 94,000 square kilometres per year. In a 2018 study, it was reported that land use for feed production was about 2000 m² per dog.
A massive amount of energy and water is also required for the production of livestock. On average, it takes about 10 kcal of fossil energy to produce one kcal of plant protein for livestock. A 2011 study estimated that the total feed energy requirement of one human equals the requirement of 3 dogs, which is 33% and 10 % respectively. However, since many dogs and cats are overfed, data on feed consumption may be underestimated. In contrast, livestock also require an exceptional amount of water to produce. It is estimated that it takes 1,799 gallons of water to produce 1 pound of beef and 1 pound of pork takes 576 gallons of water.
Since dogs are omnivores with a high protein requirement, they need to eat animal meat regardless of the environmental impact that livestock have on the environment. Pet food companies have several options to help remedy this obstacle:
Limiting the use of animal protein in pet food
There is a myth among pet owners that “more protein equals a better pet food”. This is simply untrue. According to AAFCO, adult dogs need minimum 18% protein in their diet and adult cats require minimum 26% protein. With some companies adding >30% protein in dog food and >40% protein in cat food, much of that protein is not being utilized by the animal and is just being excreted/wasted. Lowing protein inclusion closer to the minimum required amount reduces undigested waste products and lowers the overall meat required to make the diet.
The cultivation of plant crops also contributes to the overall production of greenhouse gases but it is significantly less than that of animal agriculture. Even with machinery emissions expelled for crop production, plant protein is still a “cleaner” alternative to animal protein. However, plant protein is not nearly as digestible as animal protein (where apparent animal DM protein is ~91% and apparent plant DM protein is ~41% digestible, according to a 1991 study in ileally cannulated dogs). This means that plant protein cannot completely replace animal protein in pet food but it may be able to subsidize some of the protein. Using ingredients like soybean meal or pea protein to boost protein content, while accounting for losses in digestibility, can help to reduce carbon emissions from livestock.
Animal protein production is hugely damaging to the environment but there are meat products with a substantially smaller carbon footprint. Insect protein from sources like mealworms and crickets are a viable alternative for dogs. The table below portrays the carbon dioxide emissions from insects relative to traditional livestock.
With >80% digestibility, they are not quite as digestible as animal proteins but they are still quite high and a completely suitable protein source. Unfortunately, insect protein is not approved under Canadian regulations at this time. Alternatively, cultured meats (lab grown protein) provide the same nutritional qualities and palatability that traditional animal cultivation does. This method is more expensive however, with limited regulations as it is a fairly new protein alternative. Both insect protein and cultured meats provide environmental benefits as they require less land space for production, less carbon emission and energy requirements than traditional animal agriculture.
The term “by-product” is disliked by many pet owners. This is likely born from a place of misunderstanding. By-products are any animal product not suitable for human consumption. This does not mean that by-products are unhealthy. Liver, heart, tripe and kidney are often classified as “by-products”. A 2014 study examined the differences in digestibility of by-product meal versus poultry meal in dogs. It was found that the by-product meal was only 23% lower than poultry meal.
Another 2010 study showed that while by-product meals did have lower digestibility than traditional whole meat meals, it was only lower by 4-7%. By-products like cartilage, feathers and bone can greatly reduce the digestibility of a by-product meal so organ by-products are a better option. When by-products from livestock preparation are utilized in pet food, it reduces the overall wastage of food and also reduces the carbon emissions and the energy/water needed to produce the next group of food animals.
Many people consider agriculture to have the greatest impact on carbon emissions but in actuality, transportation expels the most greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The EPA estimates that commercial transportation of goods accounts for approximately 7% of the total human GHG emissions, with industry and agriculture transportation producing 22% and 10% respectively.
A report by Generation Investment Management found that e-commerce companies produce less GHG emissions than traditional retail companies. However, they also stated “In our model, e-commerce achieves this advantage through the efficiencies achieved at global scale. In fact, when we model a smaller scale e-commerce company, it comes out slightly more emissions-intensive than our base case for retail — due in large part to less efficient last mile delivery.”
Shipping and transportation is a difficult obstacle to overcome for any company as it is the only way to send and receive goods. There are a few ways to reduce carbon emissions during shipping:
Electric cars still produce some GHGs during production and electricity but they are still overall much less harmful in terms of carbon emissions. One study found that emissions from EVs have emissions up to 43% lower than diesel vehicles.
This reduces the overall number of trips made and overall emissions for transportation, as the emissions of two items shipped separately are 35% higher than if the items shipped together.
This option has dual benefits as it reduces GHGs but also increases revenue for e-commerce businesses. By doubling the average number of items purchased per e-commerce transaction and avoiding split shipments, retailers can reduce average per-item emissions by 30%, and that effort cuts shipping costs by more than 50%.
The processing and production also contributes to the overall “carbon pawprint” of dogs. The production of pet food requires a large sum of energy while expelling a significant amount of emissions. Unfortunately, there are no statistics available on pet food production to put together a quantifiable environmental impact perspective.
Some ways that pet food companies can reduce their environmental impact through processing is by producing large batches at a time and opting for efficient or renewable energy sources. Using less energy overall, contributes to less greenhouse gas emissions and water wastage.
Sustainable packaging is a tricky factor for pet food companies to navigate. Ideally all pet food packaging would be made of renewable or recyclable materials but unfortunately this often compromises the integrity and safety of the food. Plastic packaging is most commonly used as it keeps food fresh and most importantly, keeps it safe from microbial contamination.
Unfortunately, even though plastic packaging can be recyclable, over 99% of it still ends up in landfills. Consumers are concerned about these facts and a March 2019 poll revealed that 80% of U.S. consumers said they have heard at least a little information about bans on single-use plastics and 65% of respondents were more concerned about plastics in the ocean than about climate change. 58% of the consumers polled said they have a more positive view of brands using no plastic or limited amounts of plastic in their packaging.
Dogs are one of the most pure creatures on earth but they do unfortunately have a negative impact on the environment. In order to reduce their environmental “paw print”, pet owners can choose to purchase from pet food retailers and manufacturers who make sustainable choices in their production of pet food.
Companies who are actively involved in sustainable production will most likely advertise it. Looking on the company’s website and social media gives great insight on their stance on sustainability. If you cannot find the information you’re looking for, you can also ask the company directly through customer service. It is also important for consumers to educate themselves, ask questions and navigate through misinformation.
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