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Hide the Rawhide: Which Bones Are Safe for Dogs

We all love our dogs, and sometimes we want to give them a treat. It can be hard to know which treats are safe and which treats pose risks. It’s important to be informed and understand the differences between various treats, from rawhide to bones. 

Origin Story

We started our company to impact canines’ daily lives. Our dogs fell ill, and we realized that their diet and exercise could have hugely influenced the longevity of their life and health. We believe in transparency of ingredient sourcing and tailoring food and treats to each dog's individual needs.

We want to make food convenient for you and simple.

We love providing information on a variety of topics for your dogs. We want dog parents to be informed so that they can make the best choices for their dogs. Transparency is one of our core values because you should know everything going into your dog’s bowl.

Rawhide 101

Rawhide is a type of bone offered to dogs. Dogs love to chew, which is why many dog owners buy rawhide. Rawhide originally comes from the inner layer of cow or horse hides, and it is commonly used in dog treats. Some rawhide is mixed with beef or chicken flavoring to make them even more desirable for our pups during manufacturing.

Chewing is part of a dog’s instincts. Most of us dog owners have experienced our doggies chewing our shoes or maybe the legs of our furniture. The moral of the story is that dogs need something to chew. It reduces their anxiety and also improves their mouth and dental health.

A dog with something to chew on will naturally clean their teeth and have less plaque, which means their breath will be a little fresher, making doggy kisses so much better. The process of chewing will even strengthen their jaws. 

Rawhide Risks

It is clear that giving our canine friends something to chew is essential, but we need to consider if rawhide is a good option. Rawhide has certain risks for our dogs. Let’s make sure we are as informed as possible because rawhide actually might not be the best choice for our buddies.

  • Choking: It is crucial to remove rawhide when it becomes small in order to avoid choking or blocking different organs. Rawhide poses the risk of getting stuck in the esophagus, intestines, or other parts of the digestive system. A veterinarian can remove it if it is caught early enough, but surgery may be necessary if the rawhide travels too far.
  • Digestion: Many dogs are sensitive to different foods and need a very natural diet. There is a risk that a dog can be allergic to rawhide, leading to diarrhea or vomiting.
  • Contamination: Rawhide can pose a risk to humans and dogs due to contamination from certain bacteria. Common bacteria found are E. Coli and salmonella. Watch out for symptoms that your dog is contaminated with bacteria: diarrhea, vomiting, fever, lethargy, decreased appetite, or regurgitation.

Bones To Avoid

Bones are tempting to give to our dogs. Maybe we just cooked a turkey, and our dog is giving us those eyes, but we can not give in to them. Cooked bones can be hazardous for our dogs. Always avoid cooked bones.

Bones have the chance of breaking and splintering in our dogs’ mouths, causing health complications like broken teeth or other mouth injuries. The broken bones can also get stuck in different organs like the esophagus or windpipe. Imagine shards of bone traveling through the gastrointestinal tract. 

There are also other uncomfortable symptoms of certain bones like constipation or diarrhea. Let’s play it safe and avoid these risks. 

Keeping Things Safe

Always monitor your dog when they are enjoying a chew. Some dogs are pretty fast, so we miss a lot when we turn away. Vets recommend chewing bones that are approximately the size of your dog's head, and this can prevent them from choking. All bones pose a slight risk, but your dog will stay safe if you follow the following guidelines:

  • Pancreatitis: If your dog has pancreatitis so not give them bones will bone marrow. Since marrow is high in fat, it can lead to an increase in diarrhea.
  • Refrigerate: Contamination is always a risk, but keeping the bones cold will preserve them for longer. 
  • Only 15 minutes: Only allow your dog to chew their bones for about fifteen minutes, as this will reduce the risk of a dog potentially injuring their mouths from too much chewing.
  • Avoid splinter: Some bones are more likely to splinter than others, so they are best to avoid. Rib bones have a high risk of splintering. A cut leg bone is also likely to splinter.
  • After mealtime: The best time to give a dog a bone is after they eat because this will ensure that they will be less hungry and less likely to finish their bones.
  • Throw out: If a bone becomes too small, it poses a choking hazard and should be thrown away. It is better to be safe than sorry.

Treats on the Go

At Kabo, we are creating something better than your everyday treat: Monch Bars. These are a great option for dogs on the go. We live busy lives, but our pups have to eat too. 

Nutritionists played an essential role in formulating the recipes of Monch Bars. If your canine friends are watching their weights, these bars are perfect because they are low in calories and full of gut-soothing ingredients. Give your dog a bar and know you are supporting their gut health.

Our bars contain Omega 3, fiber, and protein. Think of them as a good meal substitute for those with active on-the-go lifestyles.

Being Informed

We love our dogs so much, and we want the best for them. It takes time to do the research and find the best foods or treats for our furry friends. We make sure all of our Kabo ingredients are fresh from farm-to-dog. Try Kabo now because it is sure to meet the needs of even the pickiest eaters. 

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