While pet ownership has so many highlights, deciphering what your dog’s poop says about their health is not necessarily one of them. However, noticing the clues in your dog’s poop is one of the best ways to gain valuable insight into any potential health problems your pup faces. That is why it is crucial to investigate if your dog’s poop is abnormal in any way.
You likely will not notice your dog’s poop unless it is abnormal in some way, and if it is, that means it is time to take steps towards helping your pet get their poop back to normal. It can be a stinky job, but someone has to do it—and as a doting dog parent, that means you.
Dog feces can range tremendously in colours, consistency, and scent. Taking note of these features can help you understand what is wrong with your dog, and mentioning their poop situation could be pivotal in helping your vet understand what is wrong with them. However, it can be hard to determine what it means when your dog has an abnormal fecal matter with so many different colours and consistencies.
Today, we are going to dive into a discussion about this less pleasant facet of pet parenting. Consider this your guide to the perfect poop, but we will also give you insight about how you can help your dog if they have an imperfect poo, too.
If you are concerned about your dog’s health for any reason relating to their poop, remember that taking them to the vet will be worth your peace of mind. Your dog will thank you when they begin to feel better, too.
Continue reading to learn all about what your dog’s poop can tell you about their health, and what your puppy's poop means. We will also discuss what to do if your dog is constipated, and why constipation occurs.
Yes, your dog’s poop can be a helpful clue that will allow you to gain valuable insight into their health. While no one wants to sniff around and investigate their dog’s poop, it could prove invaluable.
Your dog’s poop could suggest parasites, the presence of blood, digestion complications, or even something as simple as grass. When your dog does not demonstrate plenty of other symptoms, taking a look at their poop could be your best bet in figuring out what is wrong.
For that reason, doing checkups on your dog’s poop could be a good idea. Take a peek at it now and again to make sure everything seems to be alright. You will likely notice if something is wrong, but remember that regular poop indicates health, too!
We have established that your dog’s poop color and consistency can give you insight into their state of wellbeing. But now what? You might wonder what your dog’s poop means but are unsure how to decipher the different colors and consistencies.
Here is what you need to know about your dog’s fecal matter. If you are concerned about your dog’s wellbeing, bring them to the vet so they can run a few tests on your dog’s poop to learn more about their condition.
If your dog has chocolate brown feces, this suggests that your puppy's poop is normal. If your dog’s poop is also firm in consistency, that is another good sign.
Of course, it is still possible that something is going on with your pup healthwise, even if this is not evident in their poop—but firm, brown poop suggests that your dog is likely okay.
If your dog’s poop is brown with white flecks in it, that could indicate that something is up. While brown poop is ideal, your dog’s feces should not contain white flecks.
There are a few reasons why dog poop could have white in it. It may indicate that your dog got into something they were not supposed to, such as material or debris, but it could also indicate that your dog is battling with internal parasites.
Sometimes, worms shed into a dog’s feces when they enter their adult form. As a result, small white flecks or worms will appear like noodles in the dog’s poop. If the white flecks in your dog’s feces seem to be moving, your pup likely has intestinal parasites, and you should seek medical attention for them as soon as possible.
Unfortunately, black feces could indicate that your pup is dealing with a disturbance in the upper gastrointestinal tract. When a dog is bleeding high in its digestive tract, the blood goes through the digestive process, just like other materials that pass through. The digestive process turns the blood to the color black, which makes dark poop occur.
Your dog could have black feces due to intestinal parasites, gastrointestinal ulcers, or another complication that hurts the tissue of their stomach and intestines. If you have noticed your pet has black feces, reach out to a vet as soon as you can.
If your dog has colourful fecal matter, this could be a sign that something is wrong with your dog—or it could be a sign that they got into something they were not supposed to, depending on the color.
If your dog has red poop, there are several potential causes. For one, if your dog’s kibble is red, the dye could be to blame for red poop. However, this will never happen suddenly, so you should know if food color is to blame when you start a new dog food.
In addition, red could suggest that your dog is experiencing bleeding in the lower part of the intestinal tract. In this case, the blood has not yet had the chance to be digested, so it probably occurred in your dog’s large intestine. You should reach out to a vet immediately.
If your dog’s poop is yellow, something serious could be to blame. Of course, it could also be something more minor, such as gastrointestinal upset or diarrhea. However, if your pet’s poop routinely is tinged with yellow or orange, this could suggest serious liver conditions. Bring your dog to the vet to get their opinion.
Green poop could occur when your dog is ingesting too much grass during their daily walks. While this may not necessarily be a big problem, you should limit how much grass your dog is eating.
Green could also suggest the presence of a bacterial infection, intestinal parasites, or another form of gastrointestinal upset. When green poop suddenly appears and your dog has not been snacking on a large amount of grass, it may be time to visit a vet.
A little bit of mucus in your dog’s fecal matter might not be anything to panic about, as it is naturally present in the intestines to aid the passing of stool. However, if there is a lot of mucus in your dog’s feces, you should consider asking a vet.
A significant amount of mucus suggests that something is wrong with your pet’s digestive tract. Excessive amounts of mucus occur when there is swelling in the digestive tract itself. Your dog might be dealing with swollen intestines because of dietary indiscretion, internal parasites, or infectious illness.
If your dog is dealing with constipation, you might wonder what that means about their health. If your pup is unable to produce one to two stools a day, they are constipated. There are many reasons why dogs become constipated, so you might have to investigate to figure out why your dog is experiencing this.
Diet could contribute to constipation, but age and activity level could also be part of the problem since slower, older pups are more prone to experiencing constipation. Some health ailments can also lead to constipation, including:
You should be mindful about the food you are giving your dog, as it can impact their belly. Kabo is committed to creating happier and healthier dogs with top-notch food that is versatile and delicious. Try it today and see the difference!