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The Dogs of Kabo: The One Who Started it All

Extra! Extra! Read All About It! We are starting a new series on the Kabo blog. Named the “The Kabo Dogs”, it is a short series where we will be highlighting each of our furry co-workers and how they make Kabo a better place to work. Stay tuned because we will have a new feature twice per month!

To kick things off, we decided to start with the OG Kabo herself. In May of 2015, Jeyapalan brothers adopted their newest (and most lovable) member of their family. Kabo was like royalty and an absolute princess.

Kabo was first discovered as a listing on Kijiji when her original owners expressed they were going to drop her off at the shelter the next day because they couldn't care for her and her brother. Kabo immediately turned on the charm and from the photos to meeting her, it was love at first sight. 

She grew to be an important factor for why Vino and his brother Vijay started working from home a lot more. They couldn't get enough of her. She was very sensitive when it came to being touched and therefore liked to keep a distance from most people. However, once when she warmed up to her new owners she was the friendliest companion. 

Kabo would spend hours on a Sunday getting her hair combed or going to find the largest pile of snow to jump into. Little did everyone know, there would be a sudden goodbye less than 3 years later. 

It left her owners looking for answers, and asking, “Why did this happen?” Her passing led to the inspiration and creation behind Kabo pet food. Her legacy helps other pet parents create healthy routines and provide quality, nutritious meals. Ultimately, allowing other dogs to live their best lives.

Rest in peace Kabo. ❤️

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