Freshly cooked dog food. Delivered.

The Dogs of Kabo: Milos

Meet Milos! He is the dog behind the expansion of Kabo. Milos has been a critical part of Kabo’s growth by acting as a part-time ad model and snoring in the background during meetings.

Milos’ profile


Vijay Jeyapalan, Cofounder of Kabo and Director of Marketing and Growth


London, ON


Milos is an English Bulldog from Texas! Bulldogs are the clowns of the dog world and are known for being willful, friendly and gregarious (social).


Milos is a Pisces and was born February 21, 2019.

Favourite meal

Milos enjoys a combination of Kabo’s fresh and kibble options. His favourites are the Hearty Turkey Recipe, Luscious Lamb Recipe and the Fresh Duck Kibble.

Favourite Snack

Milos is a fan of Monch bars. His favourite is the Salmon and Oatmeal flavour.


When he’s not busy growing a pet food company, Milos enjoys tearing apart basketballs. Maybe water polo is more his sport?

Fun Facts

  1. Milos came to Canada from Texas, where he was rehomed 3 times. He came to Canada and found his furever home through the Niagara Dog Rescue. 
  2. Milos loves being dragged across the grass. Maybe this is a form of full body scratches? Sounds nice!
  3. He will do anything to trick his dad into giving him more Kabo food. Can we really blame him for this one?

If you want to see more of Milos, check out his instagram @itmemimi!

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Freshly cooked dog food. Delivered.

Now serving Ontario, British Columbia, Montréal, Winnipeg, and Calgary.
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Days 1 & 2
75% old food
25% Kabo (cooked, kibble, or both)
Days 3 & 4
50% old food
50% Kabo
Days 5 & 6
25% old food
75% Kabo
Days 7+
100% fresh, human-grade Kabo!
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