Meet Milly! She is our resident old lady and manager of food here at Kabo. Milly ensures productivity by keeping a calm working environment by napping through Zoom meetings, taste testing new products and keeping the office safe from strangers on the street.
Milly’s profile
Dennis Mazajlo, Director of Food at Kabo
London, ON
Milly is a mixed breed but is suspected to be mostly Labrador Retriever! Labs are Canada’s favourite dogs and it’s not hard to see why as they are kind, gentle and even tempered.
Milly’s a Capricorn and was born January 1, 2008.
Favourite meal
Milly enjoys a combination of Kabo’s fresh and kibble options. Her favourites are the Tender Chicken Recipe, Luscious Lamb Recipe and the Fresh Turkey & Salmon Kibble.
Favourite Snack
Milly is a fan of Monch bars. Her favourite is the Salmon and Oatmeal flavour.
When she’s not busy shedding words of wisdom (and just shedding in general), Milly enjoys a stroll through the neighbourhood, sleeping, playing fetch in the house...but oddly not outside! (Because obviously there are better things to do/see outside than play fetch).
Fun Facts
If you want to see more of Milly, check out her instagram @milly_the_pooch!