We all get an upset tummy from time to time. If you find that your dog has thrown up white foam, there’s no need to immediately panic. White, frothy vomit could mean a number of things and could be nothing to fret about. However, there may be an underlying health condition connected to your dog’s symptoms and may be an early sign of something more serious.
Nothing has us pet owners flying off the couch or out of bed quite like the sound of a dog retching. A dog vomiting every once in a while is totally normal though. It’s the frequency at which they are vomiting that may be a sign of a larger issue.
You may have noticed once or twice that your dog’s vomit is white and frothy instead of the partially digested food from an earlier meal. Pale, foamy vomit is caused by excess gas in the stomach. The reason that it isn’t “chunkier” is likely because there is nothing else in their stomach to force out aside from gas bubbles, saliva, mucus and maybe some stomach acid or other gastric juices.
Even if your dog is throwing up white foam instead of their actual food, this is still a sign that your pup’s stomach may be irritated. Gastric irritation can be caused by a whole host of things, ranging from minor to more severe ailments.
One of the most common causes for white, frothy vomit is excess gas in the stomach. This is particularly common in the case of dogs who eat too fast and in brachycephalic breeds (squishy faced dogs like bulldogs and pugs).
A few other irritants to your dog’s stomach might be:
Unfortunately, your dog vomiting white foam may also be a sign that your dog may have another underlying illness. A few health conditions that may cause your dog to have pale vomit are:
According to veterinarian Dr. Pendergrass, “If you suspect your dog is just having indigestion from an upset stomach, the best thing you can do to treat it is to make sure they stay hydrated.” Make sure your dog always has access to clean water. In more serious cases where they refuse to drink, use a syringe to make sure they stay hydrated. You can also soak their kibble in water or feed a high moisture food like fresh cooked dog food.
To help with the irritation in your dog’s stomach, you can withhold food for up to 12 hours. Alternatively, you can also feed them a simple, digestible meal of boiled chicken and white rice with a little bit of pumpkin.
If vomiting persists or you suspect a more serious cause, get your dog to the vet. Your veterinarian is your best resource for all things pet health!
Ollie. (2022) “Why is my dog throwing up white foam?” https://blog.myollie.com/dog-throwing-up-foam/
Trupanion pet care (2021). “Kidney failure in dogs”. https://trupanion.com/canada/pet-care/dog-kidney-failure#:~:text=When%20a%20dog's%20kidneys%20fail,directly%20related%20to%20kidney%20failure.
Small door veterinary. (2020). “Congestive heart failure in dogs.” https://www.smalldoorvet.com/learning-center/medical/congestive-heart-failure-in-dogs
The canine journal (2022). “My Dog Is Throwing Up White Foam: Do I Need To Worry?” https://www.caninejournal.com/dog-throwing-up-white-foam/
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