As pet owners, the health of our animals is of the utmost importance. A board certified Veterinarian is always the best resource for overall pet health maintenance and emergency cases. In the event that it is not possible to get your pet into the vet clinic, telehealth services are a good plan B. Telehealth connects you with a veterinarian via phone or video chat, providing you with advice and instructions on how to deal with minor health complications.
Provide your telehealth veterinarian with a detailed description and history on your pet’s health. It makes it much easier for your vet to diagnose and instruct treatment when they have all of the puzzle pieces. Things to consider when providing a history:
When it comes to providing a history on your animal, the more details you can provide the better and more helpful it will be.
Not all health problems will be able to be addressed. Telehealth veterinarians will be able to assist with conditions that can be managed at home. For emergency cases or health problems that require prescription medication, you need to call your local clinic/hospital for care. Most offer telemedicine solutions amid the COVID-19 outbreak.
Below is a list of potential health problems that a telehealth veterinarian may be able to help with:
Remember to keep calm and patient so that a telehealth veterinarian can provide you with the best possible consultation.
For the month of April, we will be offering Canadian dog and cat parents free advice around your pet concerns to help you #stayhome during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Kabo Health does this by partnering with veterinarians with accredited practices. Most of the vets we partner with are mobile vets that primarily do in-home visits, but are unable to operate due to the current climate. Kabo Health accredited veterinarians with their own practice to provide health advice while following professional practice standards as outlined by CVO.