Yes, dogs can eat apples! They make a tasty and healthy snack that is high in vitamins A & C, fiber and carbohydrates. This includes all varieties of apples (both sweet and tart varieties) you would find at the local grocery or fruit store.
Absolutely! They're an excellent source of vitamins A and C, potassium, and fiber. They contain more sugar than other treat options, for which some dog parents need to stay mindful.
Vitamin A- An essential vitamin for your dogs health. Aid in healthy functioning of the brain, muscles, skin/coat and eyes.
Vitamin C- Antioxidant to help with cognitive decline and inflammation.
Fiber- Aids in digestive health, and helps maintain proper weight.
Sugar- Not required but adds sweetness to this occasional treat. If your dog has cancer, diabetes or other health issues, contact your vet to confirm any new foods are safe.
Potassium- Vital electrolyte that helps with the functioning of electrical charges in the heart, muscles, and nerves.
1 Slice of apple (55 grams) has 29 calories, 59mg potassium, 1.3 g fiber, 5.5 g sugar With 86% water content apples make a refreshing option.
Seeds in apples contain trace amounts of cyanide and should not be ingested. That said, the amounts of cyanide per apple is fairly negligible and the chances of your dog falling ill with cyanide poisoning are slim. It would take hundreds of apples worth of seeds to make the average sized retriever ill.
The seeds, stem and hard bits of the core also pose a choking threat to dogs. It's best to simply remove the seeds and core before serving the apple to your dog.
Overfeeding apples can cause upset tummies and trigger diarrhea. In terms of allergies, the most common allergies in dogs relate to common protein sources and grain sensitivities. Apples contain negligible amounts of protein, making apples a good food for dogs with allergies.
Feeding apple slices to your dog is easy. First wash the apple and remove the core and all seeds from the fruit. Next slice the apples into manageable pieces for your dog. Some dogs prefer the apple skin off, so you may have to peel that apple as well!
Be sure to feed your dog apples in moderation. Consider them a sweet treat, as they do not contain all of the essential building blocks for optimal dog health (proteins, carbohydrates, essential fats, and a variety vitamins and minerals)- so apples should be used as an occasional dog treat.
No, applesauce, apple juice, and dried apple are not suitable replacements for sliced fresh apples. Applesauce, juices, and dried apples may have added ingredients, such as sugars, and they lack the fiber of a whole apple.
Feeding applesauce, juices, and dried apple treats to your dog may lead to additional health problems like weight gain and diabetes- not to mention an increased likelihood of tooth decay due to concentrated sugar content. As always with any new tasty treat, talk to your vet to get the definitive answer for your dog.