Parasites are nasty business and your dog can pick them up anywhere. This includes on walks, from their food and interacting with other animals. Even with taking precautionary measures, it is always good to participate in regular deworming as well. Below is a list of some of the more common worms that dogs can pick up and the best ways to treat them.
These little worms like to live in your dog’s digestive tract and feed off of their intestines. Sounds nasty right? Well it gets worse. Sometimes called the spaghetti worm, these parasites are white worms and can sometimes grow up to a few inches long. Most owners end up noticing these worms in their dogs excrement.
Not all dogs will show symptoms if they have roundworms but in the ones that do, you will usually see:
The most common way that dogs get roundworms is through their environment. They usually get it by sniffing or eating another animal’s poop that has shed the eggs in their feces. Puppies are also at risk from getting it from their mother’s milk if they were previously infected.
The most effective way to treat and prevent roundworms is by using a dewormer. These include veterinary drugs like fenbendazole, milbemycin, moxidectin, piperazine, and pyrantel. Follow up doses are usually recommended. Puppies should get their first dose of dewormer around 2-3 weeks of age, while adults usually require a dewormer twice per year.
Continuing on the intestinal parasite path, are hookworms. These parasites can be fatal to dogs, especially puppies, as they feed off of the intestinal blood supply. If left untreated for too long, hookworms can actually cause your dog to become anemic.
A few symptoms of dogs with hookworms are:
Dogs will contract the parasites in a similar manner as roundworms, either through the environment or their mothers. However, the best way to treat hookworms is through heartworm medication like ivermectin, which should be given annually.
Whipworms live in the large intestine, feeding off the dogs bowel and blood supply. While some dogs may be asymptomatic, a few signs that your dog may have whipworms include:
Whipworms are usually picked up by your dog ingesting or sniffing contaminated matter in its environment. Diagnosed through a fecal float test, treatment for whipworms include a prescription dewormer from your veterinarian.
Lastly, we have tapeworms. Tapeworms are a relatively well known parasite, found in humans as well as animals. While there are different types of tapeworms, dogs usually pick them up by swallowing an infected flea during grooming. The larvae inside the flea then infects the dog’s intestinal tract.
Like something out of a nightmare, these worms can grow from 4-8 inches long. Fear not though, for as far as worms are concerned, tapeworms are one of the relatively low risk ones. A few signs your dog has tapeworms might be:
Relatively easy to get rid of, tapeworms can be eradicated using a tapeworm dewormer, usually called praziquantel.
Parasitic worms are a pretty common occurrence in companion animals and are relatively easy to get rid of. The best preventative measures for deworming include ensuring a clean, sanitized environment for your dog and providing regular deworming with help from your veterinarian.
Wigger, A., C. Peppler, and M. Kramer. "appearance of intestinal roundworms in a dog and a cat." The Veterinary Record 161 (2007): 200-201.
Overgaauw, Paul AM, and Virbac Nederland. "Aspects of Toxocara epidemiology: toxocarosis in dogs and cats." Critical reviews in microbiology 23, no. 3 (1997): 233-251.
Hendrix, Charles M., Byron L. Blagburn, and David S. Lindsay. "Whipworms and intestinal threadworms." Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice 17, no. 6 (1987): 1355-1375.
Little, Susan E., Eileen M. Johnson, David Lewis, Renee P. Jaklitsch, Mark E. Payton, Byron L. Blagburn, Dwight D. Bowman et al. "Prevalence of intestinal parasites in pet dogs in the United States." Veterinary parasitology 166, no. 1-2 (2009): 144-152.
Bowman, Dwight D., Susan P. Montgomery, Anne M. Zajac, Mark L. Eberhard, and Kevin R. Kazacos. "Hookworms of dogs and cats as agents of cutaneous larva migrans." Trends in parasitology 26, no. 4 (2010): 162-167.
Georgi, Jay R. "Tapeworms." Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice 17, no. 6 (1987): 1285-1305.
Manger, B. R., and M. D. Brewer. "Epsiprantel, a new tapeworm remedy. Preliminary efficacy studies in dogs and cats." British Veterinary Journal 145, no. 4 (1989): 384-388.