Simple Home Cooked Dog Food Recipe


3 lbs Ground Lamb
11 ½ cups cooked rice
7 teaspoon sunflower oil
½ Cup Dog Food Vitamins

Bonding with your dog happens in a lot of different ways. If you are looking to make a stronger connection with your pup while helping them stay healthy, this article is for you. Homemade dog food is an option that allows you to control exactly what your dog is eating and avoid mass-produced and heavily processed dry dog food that most dog owners decide to feed their furry friends. In fact, that dry kibble might be taking years of life away from your dog.
Dogs require a diet that is rich in nutrients like protein, fat, fiber, and other essential nutrients to thrive. The truth is that dry dog food provides the absolute bare minimum in terms of nutrients for our pets. Dogs can survive on a dry food diet, but if you want to provide your loyal companion with optimal health and vitality, a home-cooked diet is the way to go.

What Are the Benefits of Homemade Dog Food?
Home cooked dog food can help you provide your pup with better nutrition, improved digestion, longer lifespan, and a better quality of life. It can even help your dog deal with food allergy symptoms like dry skin. You get peace of mind knowing that you are giving your dog nutritionally dense and healthy food. That means worrying about dog food manufacturer recalls or letting filler ingredients make their way into your dog’s bowl is a thing of the past.
If you decide to go with home-cooked food, make sure you are providing your dog with a veterinary-approved formula that is easy for dogs to digest and receive health benefits from. Trying to measure out a balanced and nutritious diet for your dog on your own can be quite difficult and time-consuming, which is why purchasing fresh dog food from a company like Kabo makes so much sense. You can actually have vet-approved meals that are customized based on your dog’s breed and size delivered right to your doorstep. 
Taking your dog’s health into your own hands and feeding them home cooked dog food is extremely rewarding for both you and your pup. However, make sure that you are aware of any food allergies or dietary restrictions before feeding your dog homemade food. This is particularly important if they suffer from preexisting health conditions. You may also need to make changes to the ratio of protein to grains and veggies in order to meet all of your dog’s dietary needs. 
Some dogs deal with severe food allergies that are avoidable with the right food. That’s why we’ve put together a Home Cooked Lamb recipe with simple ingredients that can help your dog find relief from food allergies. Let’s take a look at simple home cooked dog food recipe to try out below.


1) Add the ground lamb meat into a large skillet or pot. Add enough water to cover the lamb entirely and bring the pot to a boil.

2) Cover the pot and gently simmer for around 30 minutes until the lamb is fully cooked. Turn off the heat and drain any excess liquids out of the pot.

3) Add the rice to a saucepan along with 23 cups of water. Bring the saucepan to a boil and cover the pan with a tight lid. Next, reduce the pan to low heat and allow the rice to simmer for about 10-15 minutes. Use a fork to fluff up the rice after it has cooked.

4) After the rice and lamb have cooled off, you can combine all of the ingredients along with the sunflower oil and dog food vitamins. Make sure the homemade dog food has cooled off enough prior to feeding it to your dog.